Cultural norms of the spiritual computer the spiritual computer, mentioned in my twitter feed could have many ramifications for change in cultural norms. Powered and paid for by nothing, it is fast due to being run on a home-built arduino or raspberry pi-based circuit. The computer is based on a card or nothing and starts up given a thought command. It is open source, so the software and hardware can be assembled anywhere. Based on mind-reading, the circuit is necessary because software-only mind reading became untenable (it stopped working, because of being based on "soft"-breasonings, rather than electronic breasonings). You can print out and vaporise documents and models using a replicator. Payment at shops or online could be organised by "trust", i.E. Voice commands, in optional conjunction with a pin. The spiritual computer would be marketed at the moneyless, and those without access to power. Based on a server somewhere else on the planet or printed circuit, the plans for which may be downloaded from the internet, the computer may allow study, work and recreation. Possibly in combination with a universal pension, use of the computer would be free and there would be no pressure to make money or worry about having a home (people would be directed to homes for the homeless) clean, hot water, food, heating or power. - viewable by one or many people, the spiritual computer would be private or public, and there would be a password, and access would only be to the registered user, only whom the computer recognised by mind reading. - power - powered by footprintless, zero-emission quantum power, the computer would be the office and the end of the office. This is another electronic circuit connected to the raspberry pi or server. Powered by nothing and run by thought commands, it has a projected keyboard and mouse which the user can either move with hand or thought-hand movements. - pay - containing an internet browser and apps, the computer can access and transfer money in internet bank account. Assuming the user is logged in, they can pay shops or online shops (which have access to funds from the spiritual computer) with a thought command, possibly in conjunction with confirmation from an invisible security key associated with the user's spiritual computer account - free money - in conjunction with education, spiritual computer users would be trained to attract customers to their online, etc. Businesses and this could form the basis of the machine's economic effect. - low energy use - a simple spiritual display adjustable in height and angle, could help speed access times (where server-projection speed is instant, only render and computation times taking time), and eventually technology could display images and movies. - file back-up - objects (not people) and even computers can be created and vaporised and a special feature would back up files from a computer before it is vaporised, securely and privately. - speed - render time of the screen taking the most time, the font and display needing to be kept simple (e.G. For word processing, spreadsheet, programming and surfing the net) - spiritual cam, etc. Using mind reading - time travel - eventually, a local-in time circuit with a quantum power circuit would allow time travel (even through a server at another point in time x) with a small carry-computer (i.E. A raspberry pi). - the spiritual computer would allow access while walking or driving (I.e. Self-driving cars) by mind control. This way, it could allow access to files where-ever the user was, and not have any footprint or carry-on weight that another computer would have. The form of communication with the server would be quantum, or spiritual based, so there would be no interference with vehicle systems.